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Born in Carcassonne in 1967, Nicolas Jacquet studied at the Beaux-Arts in Nantes in 1986.
He experimented with animated media in his first video installations.
After studying at the CCIP « Les Gobelins » (class of 1990), he made his first short animated films with the support of Canal +.

In the 2000s, with the democratization of digital photography, he made his first photomontage film (« Le vol du poisson » – 2007).
He took his artistic and technical research even further by making two other films (« Peau de chien » – 2012 and « Sexe faible » – 2017) in collaboration with Arte France.

Inspired by authors such as Aki Kaurismäki and Ulrich Seidl, as well as the expressionist cinema of the 1920s and 1930s, his films are disturbing and singular.

Since 2017, Nicolas Jacquet has been developing a parallel body of photographic work to his production of films for the cinema, generally exploring themes linked to absence.

Strongly influenced by the artist Francis Bacon, Nicolas Jacquet produces a raw and expressive art.

Black and white photography


Plants live and express complex feelings.
Monochrome prints in carbon ink.

Matière Noire
(Dark matter)

Dark matter is invisible but manifest.
Monochrome prints in carbon ink.

Plaies et Plis
(Wound and Fold)

Displayed in the open air.
Monochrome prints in carbon ink.

Colour photography

Corps et contorsions
(Body and contortion)

Series of colour photomontages.

Photomontages narratifs
(Narrative photomontage)

Series of contemporary disturbances.


Homme Taureau, Minotaur


A masked man
abducts teenagers
to rape them.

15 min – 2023

Sexe Faible, Weaker Sex

(Weaker Sex)

A man
keeps a woman
in his home
to prostitute her.

15 min – 2017

Peau de Chien, Dog Skin

(Dog skin)

A stray dog
steals the identity
of an illegal immigrant
to survive.

14 min – 2012